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Monday, 4 June 2012

Optimizing Windows 7

Most of you may be facing a problem of slow-booting speed and slow running of programs in Windows 7. In this article, we are discussing about how it can be solved.

You can solve this problem by following a few steps: 

STEP 1: You enter ControlPanel and choose “uninstall a program” option. Check all the softwares that you have installed. If there is any software that you are not using, you can uninstall that.

STEP 2: Install PirForm Ccleaner. C-Cleaner will delete the unwanted files like fragmented files, junk files, cookies etc. From your computer. Registry solver in C-Cleaner in correct the Registry errors and your bootins speed will increase.

STEP 3: You can download the software Defraggler. This software will run defragment process in your PC and can increase your computer’s perfomance a bit.

STEP 4: You can get an antivirus tool [I prefer Avast] to delete any virus or spywares that had infected your computer.

STEP 5:  You can remove your system password. This can be done by going into Control Panel. Then choose “User Accounts” and click on “Remove Your Password”. There asks your existing password and you can type your existing password there. Then click on “Remove Password” option. Then restart the system.

Download C Cleaner
Download Defraggler